Tuesday, May 18, 2010

This Place Is Going To The Birds

This is just a tee-niney post this morning, but noteworthy, in my humble opinion.

First, I have definitely found the robins' nest! As I pulled into the driveway this morning after taking Sam to preschool I glanced up in that part of the dogwood where the pair keep congregating, and I saw a messy clump of something, a robin's head, and a beady eye making sure I didn't stray off the driveway and come up in the tree. Eureka! Mama's on the nest. I have to say, it wasn't a very pretty-looking nest...but it was a nest. Awesome. We have been graced by robins.

Second, as I was eating breakfast this morning, I looked out the window and there was a sparrow perched on the deck rail, looking in at me. This cheeky little thing stared boldly at me, as if to say, "What on earth are you doing? Don't you know all the good bugs are out here?" And then it flew away, apparently disgusted by my lack of good sense.

Have birds always been like this, and I've just been too busy to notice? They are such fun to watch. I'm getting involved in the lives of little no-account birds, and I love it. Now you all can say that I am officially a bird-brain, I guess. Have at it! Enjoy. : )

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